Over the next 12 days leading up to Christmas I have invited friends and people I am inspired by to share a few words. Today is Day 4.

I asked Carly:
What are your tips for things to avoid this holiday season?
1. Last Minute Shopping
I refuse to go any where near Bourke Street Mall in December. It's foul. I've already done most of my shopping online. Online rocks because it means I don't have to speak to people or wear pants. Win.
2. Over Eating and Pre-Celebrating
Christmas is one day. This does not mean I get to eat cake, drink champagne and shovel cheese in my gob for the whole month of December. I'm planning to eat before I attend any events and save alcohol for weekends only.
3. Attending Unessessary Social Events
I constantly overbook myself at Christmas time and find that I'm out every single night of the week in December. I'm saying no to everything not mandatory, like drinks with that friend I haven't seen for three years. Bitch please. That can wait till next year.
4. Getting My Routine Out of Whack
I'm going to keep up my regular gym and eating routine wherever humanly possible. Otherwise I'll look and feel like balls on Christmas day because I've existed on nothing but mince pies and marshmallow santas for two weeks.
5. Getting Down in The Dumps
I tend to get a little inexplicably cranky around the end of the year. I'm readjusting my attitude and going in hardcore with the Christmas cheer. And avoiding bitching about the car parks/lines at the supermarket/traffic/other peoples children that are driving me insane.
Thanks, Carly!
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