One word for this weekend: PRINCE.
I was spoilt by my man with tickets to see Prince in concert on Friday night which may explain the lack of a Fashion Friday post. The performance was amazing. If you are in Sydney, did you go? What did you think?
My girlfriend also celebrated her 30th birthday over the weekend and I wore this outfit to her party. I wore the same top with these jeans to the concert. The top has become my new favourite thing with the cutest heart shaped cutout at the back. I'll have to show you next time.
How would you describe your weekend, in one word?
♥ Skirt from ASOS
♥ Top from a little store in Newtown, Sydney
♥ Belt that originally came with this skirt but I swapped it out for a Wheels & Dollbaby belt
♥ Photos by David Ryder for ish and chi