A breeze came wandering from the sky,
Light as the whispers of a dream;
He put the o'erhanging grasses by,
And softly stooped to kiss the stream,
The pretty stream, the flattered stream,
The shy, yet unreluctant stream.
These photos were taken for another project that didn't progress so I am sharing with you here. Dancing in the breeze and feeling completely free. Fun.

How have you been? I had a busy week last week so please excuse my absence. In my day job I have been winding down from one project and starting up another. I'm in a transition phase at the moment and feeling those butterflies I often get when starting something new. Soon that something new will be something familiar and the butterflies will go. I hope so.
♥ Miss Unkon dress
♥ Photos by David Ryder
♥ Poem by William Cullen Bryant, The Wind and Stream