Well, here we are and I'm delighted to share with you Mrs Lilien. I discovered her blog after finding her on the same 'top design sites' list that I was listed on. The list was put together for the Alt Summit held a few weeks ago (thank you ladies, my head was spinning when I found out).

Mrs Lilien's blog is witty, stylish, full of colour and her posts rhyme!! She puts together outfits, accessories and homewares and describes the type of person they would be suited for. Not long ago she put together a circus chic collection and you know how much I love anything circus related so I had to show it to you.

The lady behind Mrs Lilien, Kelley Lilien, describes herself as a designer and stylist extraordinista, and has just recently launched her official website. Her portfolio really is eyecandy to browse through.
(All images Mrs Lilien)