I am finding with this course I am studying that I am collecting a lot of.. stuff. Pens, pencils, papers, rulers and I am now a new owner of a set square and T-square. Please don't ask me how to set them up because I have no idea yet!

Off to the right of the study desk that I have posted a bazillion times these last few days (sorry) is a built-in wardrobe that I am using to store my materials as well some of Robert's toys (it is amazing at how many toys this little boy has!). I am trying to keep organised but I find it never usually lasts very long and things become scattered around the house over time.
Is there a trick to keeping organised?
PS: Thank you to Helena of A Diary of Lovely who recently asked me to share the space I blog from and I shared these photos with her readers. Also, thank you to Sarah of My First Little Place for the little interview. Please feel free to pop over and have a read.