The starburst doily is hanging and looking oh-so-pretty. When Robert spotted it his reaction was "ooo.. wow" so it looks as though he's a fan.
You might remember the skirt I'm wearing from this Fashion Friday post. I have worn it lots of times since. I find that when I have favourite clothing item I tend to wear it over and over again until I get bored of it or I find another favourite.
The top is a little big on me but it doesn't look too bad tucked into the skirt and the headband makes me feel like a little girl. I remember reading somewhere that grown women shouldn't wear headbands. I hope that's not the case because I have a rather large collection of them.
Enjoy your weekend, my friends!
Headband: I think it was from Diva
Top: Barkins
Skirt: Blue Juice
Shoes: French Connection