I have been enjoying our home lately and have been ignoring the big list of projects I need to do. It's been rather refreshing!
Looking around our home I can see a lot of my style and influence and also that of my husband's. It's nice to see our mix of tastes and how our home has come together. I can also see the changes we have made to our home since our son was born - baby proofing, moving breakables up high and out of reach of curious hands etc. Our home will probably keep changing and evolving as our tastes change and our family grows so it is probably a good idea to take our time 'finishing' off our home and crossing off that to-do list.
Looking around our home I can see a lot of my style and influence and also that of my husband's. It's nice to see our mix of tastes and how our home has come together. I can also see the changes we have made to our home since our son was born - baby proofing, moving breakables up high and out of reach of curious hands etc. Our home will probably keep changing and evolving as our tastes change and our family grows so it is probably a good idea to take our time 'finishing' off our home and crossing off that to-do list.
When we first moved in we made quick, rushed decisions and now that the dust has literally settled, our decisions are better thought out and planned. My husband trusts and likes most of my decorating style. I enjoy bouncing ideas off him and talking with him about how he imagines a space to look and function. Although I mainly write about my decorating preferences on this blog, I always involve my husband since I want to create a home that our family will feel comfortable living in. I sometimes wonder what our homes would look like if we lived alone! Along the way, it has been interesting to see the differences in our tastes and how we have overcome them. It's something I have been thinking about lately and I hope you don't mind me sharing.

We have found that our decorating preferences have been greatly influenced by the homes we grew up in. For example, my husband likes leather lounges. His parents owned a leather lounge for many years and still do. My parents preferred upholstered lounges and I suppose that is where my love of upholstered furniture comes from. When my husband and I moved in together, one of the first major purchases for our home was a lounge and the topic of leather versus fabric was raised. We decided on leather since we knew we would one day have children and spills and marks can be easily wiped off leather.

Another major decision was whether to lay carpet in the bedrooms. I love the feel of carpet underfoot but I grew up in a home with floorboards throughout whereas my husband grew up in a home with carpeted bedrooms. We decided to polish the existing floorboards and pop rugs in the bedrooms because it was the cheapest option at the time.

Have you experienced differences in decorating styles with the people you live with and how have you handle these differences? Are you also influenced by the style of your childhood home?
Lots of questions! I would love to know your thoughts.