The original kitchen was in such a poor state. The laminate cabinets were chipping and lifting off and bits of particle board would fall off all over the items stored within.
We didn't have the budget to re-do the kitchen before renting out the house so we gave the cabinets a few coats of paint and sealed and smoothed over the chipped areas so that it could at least be liveable. Our poor tenants though...
I can't remember what type of paint was used on the cabinets as it's going back a few years but I do remember that it only came in primary colours. So we chose canary yellow which freshened up the kitchen but still looked horrid.
Excuse the unstyled photos. We were in the midst of fixing the place up when these were taken. The television and diet Coke got us through it all.
In 2007 my husband and I decided to move in so we thought we would put in a new kitchen. It had really had its time by then.

We were surprised to find that underneath the laminate flooring were floorboards that matched the rest of the house!

Check out the wallpaper we found on the kitchen wall behind the cabinets. Who knows how many lives this kitchen has had?

Here it is back to its bare bones. Tomorrow I'll show you the end result. Stay tuned!