Woohoo - finally an interior related post!
I was over at decor8 this morning and came across Holly's studio tour post of Pink Loves Brown. What caught my eye was the way in which the bookcase is organised. Looks to me like an IKEA bookcase which I own as well (I won't post a photo of it because the state it is in is atrocious!).
Now I've seen bookcases where the books are organised by colour and they look great but I don't own that many books to make it look fabulous. I like the way this bookcase is organised though with the extra shelving, the storage boxes and the cute little suitcases. Just think of all the junk I could hide in there... ahem, I mean organise.
Does anyone know where I can find the black shelving? IKEA maybe?
Might check out kikki-k for some storage boxes. In my baby stuff search I've seen these suitcases which might look good.
Images from Babys Got Style
Otherwise Pink Loves Brown sells the suitcases displayed in her bookcase (which are even nicer I think with the contrasting handle) and is offering a 20% discount for decor8 readers.
Images from Pink Loves Brown
Might end up being cheaper to buy from her US site and ship internationally than buying from Australia. Depending on the Aussie dollar that is...